Please tell me you know where the title came from. 10 points to whoever guesses it.
I haven't done that decent of a job running since I was knocked on my butt with a sinus infection, but I'm getting back into it slowly but surely. Luckily, I didn't lose any of my leg strength and time while I was out. I'm actually doing really well, I keep shaving seconds off each time I run, so that makes me happy.
I started back to it and ran early this week on Tuesday. It was a pretty good run 4.76 miles in 50 minutes. An average pace of 10 minutes and 41 seconds. Not bad, not bad. My ultimate goal is to knock off about 1 minute and 15 seconds by the start of summer. We shall see. I think it's going to take consistent running, weight loss, and more weight lifting to get me there, but I really want to be in the best shape of my life by summer time. I want to look tres chic when I make landfall across the pond in July. I think it's doable.
Saturday I had an Orff workshop all day that focused on dancing, so I was moving pretty much non stop from about 9:15 to 3:30. Then I came home and decided to take Anna on a run since I owe her for being all cooped up the past week and a half. We went for a 5.54 mile run and I ran that in 59 minutes with a an average pace of 10 minutes and 40 seconds. I felt kind of slow at the beginning, but after looking at the info I was pretty consistent and average. Maybe my legs are starting to want to run faster? And lately, whenever I hit my "home stretch" I kick up the pace to about 9 minute miles (for about a quarter of a mile). Maybe today I can up that speed to 8 1/2 minute miles for the last quarter? A girl can dream.
Today I'm planning to add another mile onto the run, for a total of 6.5, but we'll see. It's kind of windy today, so I'm not expecting any PR's on time or anything. But my legs feel pretty great today, so we'll see. I'm also going to start some weight lifting with Steve today...and I'm going to try to keep that up at least 3 days a week. Along with core work outs (which Lord knows I need to be doing that 7 days a week for 5 hours a day).... Anyway, I'll let y'all know how that goes :)
Get outside and enjoy this beautiful January day!
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