Saturday, January 14, 2012

Life. Sickness. Ugh. Blech. Etc.

Hola, readers!  Sorry I've been MIA the past two weeks.  I had not intended for this blog to be an "I'm on break from school, so I have free-time, therefore I'll start a blog and then immediately forget about it until another break rolls around" kinda thing.

In my defense, the week before "life" had gotten in the way.... IE:  My super awesome cousin, who SHOULD wise up and move back to Texas, was in town from Wyoming, so I HAD to hang out with him (which means I didn't cook)....and then I won super awesome seats to a Mavericks game....but my Pappaw had a bad spell that night and it was (for lack of better words) a little traumatic for that kind of freaked me out and got my mind off of cooking....  And THEN I've battling this cold-allergies-sinus infection thing (since before school let out, mind you).  And so I felt really run down this past Saturday.  Sunday I felt even worse (you know, the whole "Walmart is crazy after 12:00 pm post") and by Tuesday morning, I had no voice.  So I went to the doctor and apparently I did, in fact, have a sinus infection.  I have apparently had it for quite some time and was immediately given a steroid shot and a heavy dose of antibiotics...which then left me blowing my nose every 30 seconds and quite honestly exhausted.  I'm still exhausted now, but I tried to snap out of it Thursday night.

Thursday I decided to come home from school and do a bunch of crap that I had been neglecting since before my cousin came into town.  I did two loads of laundry (including bedding and towels), a load of dishes, I shredded some documents, I cooked (for the first time in about 5 days).  Anyway...that night I felt invincible.  I really accomplished a lot.  The HH and I had a sit down convo about finances, we made some life altering/once in a lifetime commitments (no babies, yet, y'all...I'm talkin' trips to Europe).

Friday I tried to do the same thing.  I got home from work, picked up my contacts from my eye doctor, vacuumed, swiffered our kitchen floors, took Anna for a 3 1/2 mile run (something I hadn't done since Saturday), and then I even managed to paint my finger and toe nails...then I went to a Mavericks game.  By that point, I was pretty exhausted...I think I tried to "pick myself" up a little too much.  Today was kind of a crap shoot.  I wanted to sleep in, but the HH had other plans...  He made me breakfast, and then we decided to go to the grocery store.  I then had a bright idea of making homemade chicken noodle soup from scratch......and at that point I hit a wall and took an hour and a half nap.  Much needed.  Then I woke up and figured it was time to finish the soup and also start gearing up for dinner. I wanted to take Anna for a 5 miler, but I figured I must have pushed myself too hard Thursday and Friday, so I decided to take it easy and see how I feel tomorrow.  

So I'll try to catch you up on dinners ASAP.  The next few posts will be the Beef and Potato Moussaka that I made right before I started feeling under the weather and then the meals I made today, as well as the meals I have planned for this week (assuming I start snapping out of it and regain my energy).  I'm sure everyone knows what it's like to have weeks like this when life just hands you curve balls every chance you get.  Luckily, the HH is pretty awesome at taking care of me and making sure the house still functions and feeds us.  He really picked up the slack where I couldn't this week and I'm very thankful for that.

By the way, WTH is up with this weather?  THIS is why I'm sick.  Yo Texas, make up your mind!!  Is it cold or is warm?  Is it dry or is it wet?  Is it going to be mild or freezing??  It's the middle of January.  It should NOT be 63 degrees.  And it most certainly should NOT be 72 degrees.  If I didn't love my job and being close to our families, I'd totally tell Steve to find a job where it's actually cold during winter.  I don't dig this at all.  Oh yeah, something else about me-I love the cold.  I LIVE for winter.  I love coats and jackets and fireplaces and sweaters and scarves and boots and hot chocolate.  You can always put more clothes on if you get cold....when it's hot in Texas, you can't take enough clothes off.  I'm not a beach person, clearly.  And this season is KILLING me.  

Ok-enough with the rambling- see ya next post.

Oh and FYI, all you dudes out there....No girl wants you standing there over her shoulder while she weighs in at the doctors office.  True story:  I walk in with the nurse.  An old dude is standing by the scale, obviously enthralled with it.  I put down my jacket and purse and begin to step on to it (after he FINALLY moves out of the way).  He then proceeds to say to me, "Got anything else you want to take off??" Me:  Nervous laugh, thinking "WTH are you doing right here, go away, I'd like to take a can of whoop ass off to you".  What I actually say is, "Haha, I'm sure I could find some things" (like my boots...why did I decide to wear knee high boots when I knew I had a doctors appointment.  That could have saved me 2 lbs)... ANYWAY, He then STANDS there, while I'm getting weighed.  Yo guys, DO NOT do this. Not cool.  That's a private moment for a woman.  Ugh.  Just a little tip from me to you.  Give women their privacy when they're getting weighed in at the doctors office.  Unless I invite you to check out what the scale says, chances are, I DON'T want you to know what it says.    Kthanx.  :)

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