Friday, February 3, 2012

P90X, Running, and Weight Loss

Alright y'all moment of truth.  I NEVER do this.  In fact, I'm hesitant to do this.  Usually what happens when I get on a diet or workout kick, I fall out of it...but for some reason this time feels different to me.  

So I started P90X on Sunday.  Yoga.  Y'all that one is a killer for real.  But man, do you feel good after you're done.  Anyway, so I've been pretty good at sticking with it.  I thought I'd try to take pictures once a week (wear the same thing and the same poses....) and even :::GASP::: post my weight loss (I'm assuming I'm going to lose weight running and doing P90X, but I mean...crazier things have happened!). 

So right now, I am officially 151.  Ugh.  But don't even ask me what I was at the beginning of January.  It was scary. I hadn't weighed that much since I first turned 21 and I was drinking pitchers of beer every other night of the week and EVERY night on the weekend (don't act like you didn't do the same thing).  So anyway, when I weighed myself and saw that scary number I was like "No ma'am!  You're getting this in check right now!  Plus, I really want to wear my skinny jeans with boots again" (Uh, I WISH it would be cold enough to even try wearing skinny jeans with boots...dang this Texas weather).  So my goal was to try to fit back into my skinny jeans by TMEA weekend (which is next weekend).  I'm not going to try those on until this coming Tuesday night because I don't want to stress myself out if they don't fit (which I'm going to be honest-they probably won't) ::so by telling myself they probably won't fit I won't get my hopes up...and then when they DO fit, I'll be queen of the world::

ANYWAYS, so my new goal is to lose another 15-20 lbs by the end of the school year.  Totally doable if I stick to what I'm doing right now.  I'm watching what I eat, I work out 4-5 days a week (which will now, because of P90X, be every day-give or take a rest day).  I'm just really trying to eat when I feel hungry and not because I'm bored.  I try to keep myself busy so that I'm not tempted to make bad decisions and I try to remind myself when I'm not feeling the motivation to work out how good I feel afterwards and the huge difference I can already see in my body after just 4 weeks.

So yo here I am, rockin' the guns.  Or lack of them.  Whatev.  You know you wish you looked this good.

Gonna get rid of that belly yo and firm up the tush.
Again, the belly.  Ugh.  The bane of my existence. And I'm going to try to get those hips in check.

Anyways, there ya have it blogging world.  Me.  At least I'm wearing clothes.  I wasn't about to post what I look like in just a sports bra and sports shorts.  No sir.  No one needs to see that.  Though, if I get down to my goal, I may just do it!  :)  

So I've been doing a pretty decent job of running.  I was going to sign up for a marathon in April, but I'm on a strict budget and just don't see spending that money on a race.  So I'm still going to train like I'm going to run it, and then just run a 26.2 around the area I live in.  Of course, the HH will be around to cheer me on and give me some water/Cytomax/food/extra push to finish.  I figured this was good....the only thing I'll miss out on is the medal.  ::sad face::  Maybe I'll change my mind...but I already need a new pair of shoes to run in (that in itself is $100) and going to TMEA is going to cost me money and the hope of taking my Orff Schulwerk Level 2 class in June (assuming I don't get any scholarship to help out with that) is going to cost a pretty penny.

Follow my running on the side bar.  I post my latest run pretty much as soon as I come in the door and catch my breath.

What keeps you motivated to continue working out?  

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